
Even the slides are better in Japan.


  1. ??? WTF indeed... its a repost

    WAIT! OF $#@&!! Have we exhausted our references to the WTFedness of Japan already?! say it isn't so!

  2. ^^^^
    You're post should say:
    "Hey i'm captain obvious. I'm such an idiot i point out the most noticable things 99% of people are able to find but need my stupid comments"


  3. i think this is supposed to be the correct video since the other time it was posted the title "slides" certainly was for another video

  4. Yeah sorry about that guys I got a little mixed up. Its fixed now. Believe me, we will never run out of Japanese WTFery.

  5. 1. Hey, wtfjapanseriously has a buffer of wtf material.
    2. They've got this in Prague too.
    3. Whee!
    4. The cameraman is a wuss for slowing down at 0:33.
    5. Things like this make me wish my country wasn't flat.
    6. They should build a slide off the Empire state building (or at least make a Japanese commercial out of it).

  6. It's just a tobaggon slide, but with rollers. Must hurt like hell.

  7. it would be a WTF if at the bottom of the slide, there was a gator infested pond (Decorated with chocolate covered cherry blossoms and classic rock playing in the background)

  8. Response to:
    "You're post should say:
    "Hey i'm captain obvious. I'm such an idiot i point out the most noticable things 99% of people are able to find but need my stupid comments""

    Go find a hobby troll

  9. I have been on this slide before!!!!!!! :D

  10. Imagine if a branch got caught vertically in the middle of the rollers at a steep portion of the slide. Ouch.....

    Imagine bears lining the side of the conveyer waiting to pick u off for lunch like the way the jap pick off noodles in a water slide.


  11. I wanna go on it!

    Does anyone happen to know where in Japan this is?

  12. ...I'll take the slide and the girl at the end!
    She's super cute!

  13. ive been on one of these and it hurt my butt :D

  14. ahh, imagine if your fingers got caught between the rollers or something..

  15. It may be the kanazawa shizen kôen, the longest roller slide in Yokohama.

  16. his ass must feel like jail... but the slide looks alot more fun that jail...

  17. It looks to me like it's covered in rust, and or blood. One way or another, it's bad.

  18. The rollers DO hurt like hell! When I lived in japan, my mum used to keep a couple pieces of cardboard in the trunk so when we went to the park we could use them on the slides. It let's you go faster, and there's no pain!

  19. "Tetanus shots not included, have a nice day," is what I imagine the sign at the end says.

  20. Its actually a Dutch slide. When i went to Japan my homestay family tookme to this place called Denpark (Demark pun) which was basically all about dutch culture. They told me that the slide was dutch when i rode it.... so yea

  21. It is like when you are done with the slide, "THAT WAS SO AWESOME! Ok now where the hell am I?!?!"

  22. cute girl! and awesome slide...
