The TV show


  1. That's pretty awsome, a critique of current tv over-dependence.

    1. You're an idiot.

    2. no, hes quite right on the nose with it, the fact you cant see it belies your idiocy

      see what you have is called "internet balls" you have the internets balls, all over your face....:D enjoy that image

    3. I'm pretty sure you just made that up...

    4. I wouldn't say over-dependence... more so an addiction. I do find it funny that it is conveyed via a video though...

    5. Why does this video depict over-dependence or addiction? What scenes illustrate that? It seems to me like you're reading into it too much. The only subtext that can be clearly taken away from this is that television is everywhere, which is not the same as saying we are addicted or have over-dependence to it. Please say why you think it shows addiction, instead of writing the equivalent of "Nuh Uh yr dumb so you can't figure it out" like commenter #3 did.

    6. I think the repetition of the scenes and the TV motif both suggest how deeply television is engrained in our society. I say "suggest" because, like any work of art, it is open to interpretation.
      I agree to a certain extent that there is some "addiction" to TV considering the scenes where the robber/bad guy/whatever was running from the cops in the various scenes and some people didn't even pay attention to him, as well as the commercial where the man and woman are repeatedly drinking the drink and get fat from it.
      Just my take on it, nice video nonetheless; was lucky to StumbleUpon it.

    7. I think it's just a cool video.

  2. holy shit that was great

  3. fuck yea keep shit like this coming

  4. That's a WIN, not a WTF! Great video!

  5. Totally epic... who is it?

  6. While it's more of AWESOME than WTF, thanks for linking this! *adds to favorite*

  7. I had to watch it several times to get all the links, and it only got better each time. WTF Japan - produce more of this AMAZING work!!

  8. I suppose the WTF part is how its a great mind blowing video

  9. Absolutely epic video. Great beat/music & a very unique and badass animation style.

    I loved it, I don't see why this video would be on the WTF-list.

  10. sugoi
    I don't think that understand all..

  11. That was easily the greatest music video ever made! Hands down!

  12. this isn't WTF... this is AWESOME!!

  13. This isn't WTF.
    This is pure mindfuckingly awesome.
    Shit someone already said that.

  14. anyone know the music?

  15. No i actually dissagree that its just about tv overdependence. I think it might just have an even deeper meaning than we all understood! A grave meaning burried deep within the subtext of this clip. Life is nothing but a large series of movies each with their own story, but when some movies cross over into the territories of other movies they spread their influience on them and thus contaminating the pool of IP that each movie carries. If all movies overlap in the wrong ways it brings chaos and destruction to everything that we once had.

  16. The last scene should have panned back to someone sitting at their computer watching this video on the internet :D

    1. No offense, but that would have been really cheesey.
