Escaped Rhino Zoo Drill


  1. Yes that net will work

  2. Yeah, like a simple net will stop a charging rhino at full speed...

  3. What a docile rhino, didn't gore anyone.

  4. this is pretty bad for a drill. in america though, unless it was a the javan rhino, i'm pretty sure it'd just get a couple headshots after enough people cleared the way.

  5. paper mache rhino lol...

  6. The net is to convince the rhino not to go in that direction. The rhino sees the net as a wall. It isn't meant to stop a charging one. Their goal is to capture the rhino while causing it as little harm as possible.

    Also, concerning the person who would shoot the rhino in the head: congratulations, you just killed an endangered animal worth upward of a million dollars and put yourself needlessly in harm's way. In all likelihood, you'll get sued for damages. Seriously, don't be an arse by pretending to be a hero.

  7. Maybe not so wise to lie down when a rhino is walking by....something might.....break......... o_0

  8. I... never actually realized that loose rhinos where that much of a problem in japan that it would warrant drills. :/

  9. I 've never seen a Rhino with 8 legs and such akward polygon shape that reminds low resolution 3d models. I guess that species is really almost extinct.

  10. I'm sure this is the exact same drill they used to practice for containing a nuclear meltdown.

  11. Does this seriously help at all? I mean after prodding it with sticks i'm pretty sure it will be a bit more pissed off then that.

  12. Its looks perfect drill.This zoo is safety.

  13. Let's hope to god a rhino never escapes in japan. The death toll will exceed Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake combined. BTW - putting a bucket sort-of in the way of an escaped rhino is by far the least effective method shown in this demonstration. Let's hope the 'bucket trick' is last on the list of things to try if this ever actually happens.
