Realistic Robot

Well, Halloween is coming up, so why don't we all stare at a terrifying robot.


  1. At least it's on the rising side of the Uncanny Valley. :/

  2. To be quite honest, it's well made and perhaps the most realistic humanoid robot I've ever seen, yet it still suffers from the same problems that all other humanoid robots suffer from. Uncanny. Valley.

  3. I'm getting sick of everyone saying "yadda yadda uncanny valley, yadda yadda..." Sometimes I think they use this term just to show how "smart" they are. Personally, I support the Japanese and their experimentation. And yes, androids are still far from "The Positronic Man," but there is a gradual progression. The future will be very exciting.

  4. Did anyone notice near the end the camera man focused on the chest for like 9 secconds, lol wonder what that camera man is thinking?

  5. The Cylons are almost here.

  6. How is using the term "uncanny valley" trying to sound smart? Do you even know what it means? People use the term because it's the perfect description for what it is.

  7. Has anyone noticed that all the humanoid robots produced so far are female?

    *think about it* =D

  8. Anonymous: Male. lonely geeks ;)

  9. Well... it's not nearly as much nightmare fuel as the last few ones we've seen here. I think I can sleep soundly tonight.

  10. we need Deckard from blade runner stat

  11. at first I thought it was a real lady

  12. The movements are pretty realistic, except for her mouth, it didn't look like the "o" sound would be easy to reproduce. The bow was also not quite fluid, although that could be by design. That said, this bot is good enough to steal jobs.

    Conclusion: Kill it. Kill it with fire.

  13. At last...Japanese men will soon be able to live ou their rape fantasies without the legal ramifications...

  14. You know, it'd be cool to have robots to talk to.

    As long as they don't become hostile of course.

  15. It can talk and make expressions and everything... But the important question is... Can it make me a sammich?

  16. I'll admit, this android is only slightly less creepy than other androids Japan's produced. I'm impressed that it's got some nice facial animations, but it's still too jerky to make a convincing human.

  17. Anyone else notice that her mouth didn't open very wide? Not going to be good for.. oh... Japanese people are using it.. never mind..

  18. i've never heard the term 'uncanny valley' before, but this is the bull's eye of it, it's creeping me out. which of course will probably not stop them from moderating it's speech patterns to say only:'yamete kudasai'(well, maybe 'yurushite' too) and making loads of cash off it. -_-'

  19. October 29, 6:06 PM, please stop embarrassing yourself. Just because you can't keep track of more than 15,000 different words and expression doesn't mean the rest of us can't. Using "uncanny valley" is no more a sign of intelligence, or fake sign of one, than using "Republican" or "Quadratic equasion".
    As for your reason, that's like saying you can't call the fate of space shuttle Columbia a disaster because we're going to have colonies on Mars some day.

    1. Why don't you just click "Reply" on their own individual comment?

  20. why are u guys asking so much from a robot??? is like saying "too bad shark can't fly" or "too bad bird can't breath in water"

  21. makes me wonder how japanese sex toys are....

  22. You people make me laugh when you go on and on about how "terrifying" these robots are. I guess the day when the robots from Terminator will be here, you'll commit mass suicide instead of stand and fight?

    "At last...Japanese men will soon be able to live ou their rape fantasies without the legal ramifications..."
    We already have something to do that for you. It's called "hookers". We're living in the future, yo!

  23. when can i MARRY her??
